Parking and Entrance Reminders

We are now entering the pool directly onto the pool deck. Before you came in through the glass front doors. Now you will go to the left of the glass doors and turn right when the building ends. The entrance is the second set of doors on the right. You will go through another set of doors right onto the pool deck.

The school also wants us parking in the parking deck as many times there are activities going on at the school.

We will not begin Wed. swimming until January as our coaches have conflicting schedules right now. The extra hour on Sunday is still being considered to run Oct. - Dec. until it would switch to Wed. Will let you know before the first practice in Oct. I will be sending out a form for you to indicate you interest at this time.

I have goggles for sale at $15.00. The are all the Speedo Vanguisher style (the only style we have found that works well) in Women's, Men's and Jr,.


Please remember to sign your swimmer/s in when you arrive.  I track attendance over time each year to determine when the times are the heaviest so that I can determine if and when I need to add additional pool time. If your swimmers name is not listed, please hand write it at the bottom.  Make sure the time you attended is noted.

First Meet - Spooky Splash - Mark your Calendar

Will have our first meet on Sat. Oct. 26th from 4:30-6:30. Everyone is encouraged to attend. We also have a Halloween costume contest.  We have prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.

As a believer in paying it forward, we will also have an Aquathon in Nov. More to follow later but the money will be distributed to 2 very wonderful organizations.  Autism Speaks and Cancer Research (Exact Org. TBD). Both of the organizations have ties to many of our FutureSwim families so I want to do our best to help.  I hope you will plan to have your child attend and help to pay it forward.

See you at the pool!